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Writing Minor

School of Arts and Sciences

Why take a writing minor?

Effective communication is highly valued. 良好的写作能力为大学毕业后的生活提供了信心和竞争优势, whether you plan to go to graduate school or enter the workforce. 我们的跨学科写作辅修课程允许您建立一个辅修课程,包括沟通, creative writing, and digital media proficiency. It pairs well with majors from Arts & Sciences, as well as the School of Business and School of Education. 辅修课程还提供了获得宝贵实践经验的机会,比如为《博彩平台网址大全》写作或在写作工作室工作.

Prepare for a career that requires effective communication (i.e. all of them) by taking the writing minor!

Another minor option is the English Minor.


  • Writing Minor
  • 19 Units
  • Choose six courses. At least two must have a WRT prefix:
  • ARTG 270: Digital Publishing
  • 3

在本课程中,学生将开发利用构图和排版原则的页面布局技能,同时学习使用Adobe InDesign和在Adobe Illustrator和Adobe Photoshop中创建图像, including text to produce flyers, posters, newsletters, magazines, brochures, calendars, etc. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every spring semester.

  • BSC 318: Linguistics
  • 3

本课程将通过考察经验之间的联系,将语言作为人类的基本组成部分来学习, culture, and language through the investigation of how language communicates, changes, and is used strategically to accomplish social ends.


  • ENG 477: History and Development of the English Language
  • 3

概述英语的历史,并通过其语言元素考察语言的发展, this course will include traditional and contemporary grammar, phonetics, syntax, semantics, patterns of language change, dialects, orthography, etymology, representative oral and written communication, and other related issues. Prerequisites: (ENG 201 or CENG 201 or CENG 202) and ENG 271.

  • COM 222: Theory and Practice of Journalism
  • 3

This course will introduce the basics of journalism writing, style, theory, investigation, ethics, and interviewing including news, features, sports, review, and opinion styles. 至少六(6)书面文章将提交给康考迪亚快递.

  • COM 280: Theories of Human Communication
  • 3

作为博彩平台网址大全们用来解释人类交流的理论的系统探索, this course will deal with rhetoric, persuasion, interpersonal, intercultural, small group, media, organizational, and gender communications.

  • COM 321: Digital Media Communication
  • 3

This course will focus on the personalities, inventions, developments, terminologies, 以及与七(7)大众传媒行业密切相关的问题,特别强调实习准备和媒体工作机会. Article reports using business magazines, newspapers, and trade journals read by media professionals will be required.

  • COM 340: Rhetorical and Persuasive Theories
  • 3

Primarily from a social scientific approach, this course will examine the basic theories and techniques of influence, providing students with an awareness of the nature, function, and scope of attitude change as well as the concepts of attitudes, credibility, resistance to persuasion, ethics, and modern advertising practices.

  • COM 371: Introduction to Social Media
  • 3

本课程将探索并介绍社交媒体和其他新兴技术和工具的基础知识, current trends and future directions, benefits, values, and risks. 将审查案例研究,以评估社会媒体如何影响和影响通信和营销等领域,以及它如何为未来趋势和发展提供信息. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201) and (COM 280 or MKT 341).

  • COM 412: Media and Script Writing
  • 3

This course will examine script writing for radio, television and film with projects including announcements, commercials, news, features, documentaries, comedy, and game and music shows.

  • COM 485: Rhetorical Criticism
  • 3

The history, nature, purpose, and methods of rhetorical criticism. 八(8)关键的方法来分析人类交流事件将被研究. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

  • WRT 223: Introduction to Genre and Craft in Creative Writing
  • 3

As a multi-genre introduction to the craft of creative writing, 本课程将考察文学惯例以及有效写作和编辑所必需的写作技巧和工具. Prerequisite: WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent.

  • WRT 324: Writing for Children and Teenagers
  • 3

作为一个入门课程的艺术和工艺写作的年轻观众, students will read, analyze and write both fiction and nonfiction pieces. 本课程包括市场分析技巧和提交出版作品. Prerequisite: WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent.

  • WRT 327: Creative Writing: Fiction
  • 3

本课程将包括学生完成几个短篇小说的创作过程的持续探索, perform close analysis of published works, and participate in writing workshops. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223. Offered alternate years.

  • WRT 328: Creative Writing: Poetry
  • 3

本课程旨在提高学生运用诗歌元素的意识和技巧. 学生将完成一些不同传统和现代形式和风格的原创诗歌. 这门课将讨论他们自己的创造性工作和各种各样的诗歌选集. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223. Offered alternate years.

  • WRT 329: Creative Nonfiction
  • 3

对当代非虚构艺术和工艺的考察和讨论, practice in a variety of genres. 课程包括市场分析技术和提交作品出版. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223. Offered alternate years.

  • WRT 333: Topics in Creative Writing
  • 3

作为一个集中的探索流派和题材的研讨会设置. 可能的主题包括自然写作、旅行写作和实验写作. Course may be repeated for elective credit. Prerequisite: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and (CENG 201 or CENG 301 or equivalent).

  • WRT 337: Writing for the Stage and Screen
  • 3

通过写作实践探索戏剧写作技巧,学习戏剧作品写作艺术的入门课程, close analysis of published works, and student workshops. Prerequisite: WRT 102 or WRT 201.

  • WRT 427: Advanced Creative Writing
  • 3

这个顶点课程将为学生提供一个机会,通过创作新作品和修改以前的书面工作,在研讨会设置更深入和广泛地写作. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing; (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223 and (WRT 327 or WRT 328) and WRT 329. Offered alternate years.

  • Practical Experience: Choose one from the following:
  • COM 231: Newspaper I
  • 1

本课程将介绍新闻实践,重点是新闻写作的一种或多种组合, opinion writing, layout, and production of The Concordia Courier.

  • HST 403: Topics in Historical Editing
  • 1

In this course, 学生们与教授一起建立和编辑学术历史期刊, emphasizing a special topic related to this type of work each year. Students will edit article submissions, book reviews, and forums. 学生们也将通过提供自己的作品或鼓励学生团体提交来帮助期刊生成内容. 最终的成品将是一本印刷的学术期刊,在校园里分发. 可重修四次以获得学分,并可使用三个单元来完成专业要求.

  • PAS 398: Tier II President's Academic Showcase
  • 3

本课程面向希望获得二级校长学术展示项目学分的学生. The course can be taken for 1-3 units. Students will receive a Pass/No Pass grade for their project.

  • PAS 498: Tier I President's Academic Showcase
  • 3

本课程面向希望获得一级校长学术展示项目学分的学生. The course can be taken for 1-3 units. Students will receive a Pass/No Pass grade for their project.

  • WRT 392: Practicum: The Writing Studio
  • 1

This is a practical, 实践学习经验,旨在补充学生的工作,在写作辅修. Approval of Program Director required before registering.

  • WRT 393: Practicum: The Aerie
  • 1

This is a practical, 实践学习经验,旨在补充学生的工作,在写作辅修. Approval of Program Director required before registering.

在注册这些选择之一之前,必须在适当的项目主管(写作工作室)或教师顾问(The Aerie)的批准下完成实习注册表.

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修课程的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成辅修课程的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify.

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